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  • 请问有朋友最近坐过从多伦多转Dallas再转日本最后转上海的飞机回国吗?请问你们check in是在American airline 网上check in还是提前3个小时到多伦多机场check in?谢谢🙏
    • you can check in from Toronto to Dallas online , but you have to check in at desk personally for Japan Airlines flights in AA desk.
      • 请问你是在皮尔逊机场check in的吗?请问你是提前多长时间到机场的?谢谢! +1
        • 可以试着,不行会提示。AA经Dallas ,首尔到广州的不行,要document check。参照到美国提前时间,多伦多pre clearance 入境
        • yes, it is YYZ, the flight is 7am, I arrived at 5am, tons of time left.
      • 请问checked bags在Dallas需要提出再check-in吗?谢谢! +1
        • NO from Toronto, YES from Japan or Korean when back to Toronto
    • 借你的帖问一下,达拉斯机场,美联航接全日空 要从Teminal B到Terminal D 不用拿行李 转机时间一个小时够吗
      • enough. but if return from China to Toronto via Dallas, or other US airports, need to go through American Customs, need more time.
      • 2天前一朋友刚走这条线,从terminal c to terminal D, 需要坐skyline,20分钟,下机10分钟,40分钟左右够了,但前提是飞机不晚点。我们有1:45小时,但回来只有2个半小时, 出关加提行李再check in,估计够呛. 不过离家也不远了,耽搁就耽搁吧。
        • 请问各位是怎么知道哪个terminal?我买的是American Airline,从多伦多经达拉斯飞上海,去程达拉斯只停40分钟,回程有一个半小时。我决定只带随身行李了,不过还是担心时间不够?
          • you can find in your ticket
            • 谢谢,但是terminal # 没有显示达拉斯,只有多伦多和上海有。
              • AA app 近行程才显示,而且可能改变
                • 好的,谢谢你!
          • From Toronto to Shanghai, 40 minutes stop over in Dallas, should be ok, but it maybe very tight for 1.5 h when back to Toronto due to American Customs, you could ask security or other passengers let you go first by showing the boarding time.
            • 谢谢你的建议,也只能尽量了