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There're two areas under pension admin. One is under benefit (HR), and the other is managed by finance folkis, and is more related to pension fund admin, pension fund investment, pension governance and pension plan auting, etc.

If your invlovement is only on the administration side, even for financial administration, the level is probably just a FA or SFA, however, if you are actively invloved in fund investments on various investment strategies, dealing with investment managers, senior executives, actuaries/investment consultants, then the salary should be quite attractive. Not sure of your background, but Kraft is currently hiring an associate finance manager, pension investment, if you are interested, and feel you are qualified, please go to kraft Canada and apply on line. Good luck
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  • TREASURY - a specialized area in Corporate Finance. (PART I) 可能接触和了解这个Area的人不是很多,在这里给大家介绍一下TREASURY的主要Job Responsibilities 和 Career Path, 也希望和同行们一起交流!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在昨天的财务讲座中,作为第四组义工的我给来参加活动的朋友们简单的介绍了一下
    Treasury的job responsibilies。今天整理了一下写出来,希望可以和更多的朋友

    Treasury 部门的responsibilities - 主要分为七大块:

    有些大企业的treasury部门还会包括pension administration的职责,但以下讲的

    1) Banking / manage banking relationship: involves day-to-day banking, monitor
    concentrated cash position, investment of cash surplus, prime loan borrowing,
    buy/sell FX, open/close bank accounts, corporate visa/ merchant card program
    management, fraud detection services management (includes positive pay
    and payee match), etc. 这一块是treasury里最烦琐的职责,通常由treasury analyst

    Skills required: good communication and interpersonal skills and excellent
    organizational skills.

    2) Cash management: involves preparation of short-term and long-term cash
    flow forecast,normally co-operation & involvement of divisional accounting
    personnel is required to ensure accuracy in cash flow forecasting. 大的公
    司会用专门的软件来做cash flow forecast, 如果是中小型企业,一般用Excel. 这
    一块通常也由treasury analyst 负责

    Skills required: good working knowledge of Excel, able to build forecast
    models using Excel.

    3) Financing: debt or equity financing? involves negotiation with various
    banks / financing companies on financing alternatives, includes credit facility,
    operating line of credits, debentures, letter of credits. Ensures lender
    covenants are adhered to and reporting to lenders on covenants. 这一块相
    对1) & 2) 来说比较senior level,所以会由assistant treasurer / director of
    treasury / treasury manager负责。

    Skills required: good negotiation and presentation skills, exposure to banking
    agreement, debt structure, credit facilities, bank covenants. Comfortable
    with reviewing and interpretation of legal contracts.

    4) Capital budgeting and controls: involves development of capital reporting
    system to facilitate project management and capital forecasting. Use of
    project / business valuation models including PV (present value) calculation,
    IRR (internal rate of return) discounted cash flow, risk adjusted rate
    of return. (example: evaluation of own vs lease vs sales & lease back option
    on fixed assets/ premises / facilities). 这一块可以由treasury analyst 或
    者 assistant treasurer / director of treasury / treasury manager负责。

    Skills required: strong analytical skills, experience and knowledge in use
    of business valuation models.

    5) Risk Management: involves the management of interest rate and foreign
    exchange exposures. Arrange and negotiate various hedging facilities, such
    as interest rate swap, forward contracts, etc. Accounting for financial
    instruments and hedges.这一块的negotiation & management 部分会由assistant
    treasurer / director of treasury / treasury manager 负责,但recording and
    accounting for FX transactions 可以由treasury analyst 负责。

    Skills required: good knowledge of financial instruments and hedging facilities.

    6) Financial Reporting: includes disclosures on debt, interest expense,
    hedge accounting in external reporting. Preparation on annual and quarterly
    Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) included in external filings.
    这一块基本上属于assistant treasurer / director of treasury / treasury manager

    Skills required: familiar with Canadian and US GAAP, strong accounting &
    reporting knowledge, understands how complex treasury transactions are reported.

    7) Special Projects: includes due dilligence / valuations on potential merge
    & acquisitions, benchmarking (against competitors), etc. M&A属于higher level
    responsibilies, 通常由treasurer / assistant treasurer / director of treasury
    / treasury manager 负责。

    我会在PARTII 介绍一下treasury 方向的 career path.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好文!等待PARTII.
    • Great info! Thanks so much for sharing and look forward to Part II.
    • Thanks for your wonderful information! Great help.
    • Thanks much for sharing the insight!
      It is so true that good communication and interpersonal skills are critical to move up the ladder.
    • 谢谢,虽然对treasury部门的所有工作一窍不通,但是08年会努力挤进treasury做5&6. 看了你的文章觉得那些工作好难啊....不知道我能不能做得了.
      • 没有人是一开始就什么都会的,经验是在实践和学习的过程中慢慢积累的。要对自己 有信心,别人能做到的你也可以! 女人会因为自信而变得更美丽! :-) 新的一年里 大家一起努力!
        • 谢谢鼓励哈,如果08被reallocate到switzerland..请你吃饭...
          • Hoho, look forward to that! :-)
    • Joyce, I've got a question here regarding the treasury system.
      I've been doing treasury stuff since my previous job but the system I use for both companies are same, called Integra. It has function modules like cash management, foreign exchange, hedge, inter-company, processing, etc. Could you briefly introduce the treasury systems that are popularly used, specially for big companies? Thanks in advance.

      I was planning to go to your lecture on Saturday and ask this question.
      • 其实我对treasury management system / software 了解的也不是很多,但根据以往 我interview 和接触过的几个大的公司来说,用的都是不相同的system. 比如Rogers Communication Inc. (annual sales of ~$9 billion) 用的是
        “Selkirk treasury management software". Maple Leaf Foods Inc. (annual sales of ~$6 billion) 用的是Hyperion 其中的一种软件,好像叫“Hyperion financial management" or
        "Hyperion strategic finance". 你工作过的这两家公司的规模如何,in terms
        of annual sales?

        • Revenue is around $8b. Actually I'm not a full-time treasurer, this is part of my job. Glad to have you around. Thanks again.
          • .
            懂Hyperion financial management的人比SAPfunctional价钱还高
            • Really? I guess it depends on company.
        • 如果那位能从银行做Treasury角度加点就更全了
      • 一个同学做企业treasury manager, 用SAP。是G/L上马后再implement 的,从去年忙到今年
        • 不好意思,77,希望在百忙之中查看你的PM,谢谢
    • Excellent! Thanks.
    • 因为我本人有2年的pension admin的经验,在DB plan。请问文章中提到的pension admin的部分有没有什么专门的职位呢?如果有的话,需要什么样的资历或者是证书呢?谢谢。
      • 很抱歉对pension 这一块知道的不是很多。我们公司有专门的pension部门,但不属 于treasury。记得几年前去Maple Leaf Foods Inc. 面试treasury manager的工作,
        他们的treasury部门就包括pension (好像有2-3个人),整个treasury部门竟然有11个
        太高。Maple Leaf Foods 当时offer给 treasury manager 的工资也就比Senior FA多

        Happy New Year!
        • 非常感谢你的回复,我现在也是在四处打听,看看有没有什么合适我的方向可以走。:)
      • There're two areas under pension admin. One is under benefit (HR), and the other is managed by finance folkis, and is more related to pension fund admin, pension fund investment, pension governance and pension plan auting, etc.
        If your invlovement is only on the administration side, even for financial administration, the level is probably just a FA or SFA, however, if you are actively invloved in fund investments on various investment strategies, dealing with investment managers, senior executives, actuaries/investment consultants, then the salary should be quite attractive. Not sure of your background, but Kraft is currently hiring an associate finance manager, pension investment, if you are interested, and feel you are qualified, please go to kraft Canada and apply on line. Good luck
        • 谢谢你。我是在大pension plan做非投资部分的admin,也就是帮人算算pension,commuted value之类的东西。工作稳定,但是工资不高。我就总想着怎么能在现有的经验的基础之上再往前走一步。我倒是不介意读书学习,就是不想把这2年的pension经验浪费了。
          你提供的信息我也是有所耳闻。我迷茫的是,除非我是朝investment发展,不然的话,在HR部门混希望也不大。可是我偏偏 又不太喜欢投资啊,风险啊之类。



          • Is there any internal opportunity or career advancement within your company? In big companies, the pension specialist always has the opportunity to move up to benefit manager, or even higher.
            Of course, at first you need to excel at your current job and demonstrate your ability and career aspiration.. Alternatively, keep an eye on the career opportunities with those service providers (Hewitt, EDS, etc). Since most companies outsource the pension data/record keeping and some admin tasks to those service providers, you may find a more appropriate career path with your background. Good luck
            • 非常感谢。我会留意公司内部职位先的。:)
    • 好文!我在一上市公司做3 financing和与之相关的5&6,平时只做不想,没有像你这样好好总结过。压力大。除了融资工具,会计和金融监管知识,对法律知识要求很多。在国内法律就是我的最弱项,何况读英文条文。老板多次要我上法律课程,我一推再推,头疼极了。。。
      • Good point. I guess I'm quiet lucky, I don't mind business law at all, I even wanted to be a lawyer when I was at University :-)
        • 真遗憾没能去听你的讲座, 我在一家公司做treasury,能有机会交流一下吗? 谢
          • absolutely! Just PM me.
    • 有做capital budgetting 的大侠吗? 在国内做project capital budgetting, 原来这个是treasury department 的responsibility.