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Treasury系列之 - Central Bank Operations

前些日子收到了银行发来的一个电子邮件,电子邮件里的attachment 是一份名为“Monetary policy frameworks and central bank market operations" 的文件。
This document is prepared by the members of the Markets Committee and published by the Bank for International Settlements. 这两天抽空看了一下,觉得编的
很不错,very informative,在这里推荐给大家。

Below is the link to this great document / reference. The document details various tools utilized by more than a dozen of the best-know global central
banks as they seek to fulfill their mandates (in relation to monetary policy). This document is completely up to date.


感兴趣的朋友可以抽空,grab a coffee or tea and enjoy reading!
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  • Treasury系列之 - Central Bank Operations
    • 问世间,是否此山最高,或者,一山还有一山高. 这个东东对于才疏学浅的我太深奥了.我汗…… 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦做舟.
      • 看到你的中文水平,该轮到我汗了! :-)
        • 牛皮不是吹的,火车不是推的,小学写作文就拿市级奖的了,从小学到大学都是语文课代表,写的东东好评如潮.你瞧你瞧,我还是沉不住气,人夸俩句,我就趾高气扬翘尾巴,忍不住把我的过去都交代了
    • Saved. Thanks for sharing.
      • Are you back to Toronto now? If you happen to travel there again on business next month, perhaps we can meet up for lunch / dinner there, but for sure not that dim sum place you mentioned about :-)
        • Thank God I'm back.
          • It can't be that bad over there :-) Pls check your PM!
            • You're right. I may not go to the right places. PM'd back!
    • 感情您的系列就是让我们自己去看书?高,实在是高!
      • 看书也是种学习,不是吗?不想看书的话那就去看看系列里其它的文章吧。:-)
        • 您说的还真的挺在理的。可是,可是,我怎么总觉得我有话说不出来呢?。。。也许,您能给去粗取精,站在高的角度上给我们概括概括就更好了。这样我们这些急于学习,但又比较懒惰的家伙肯定会更加感谢您的。