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Take this photo as an example. The camera is at the knee level, and the person appears tall.

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  • 好久没来这里得瑟了,今天发几张照片玩一玩?😉 +10







    • 皮肤不错, 内衣很性感, 顶花儿妹妹
      • 谢谢老乡美言,岁月不饶人啊,老啦~
        • 你可是真心不老, 现在都是预期寿命90多岁, 你想想是不是正是好年龄?
          • 哥哥你真会说话呢,谢谢😄
            • 绝对不老。同顶啊👍 +1
    • Nice photos! A tip to the photographer: the position of camera can be lower, can be very very low. This will make the model appear much taller, with longer legs. +1
      • Take this photo as an example. The camera is at the knee level, and the person appears tall.

        • 谁给你拍哒? +1
          • I videotaped my practice using a phone and a small tripod. This is exported from the video.
            • Okay Smartie👍
        • 泳衣? 你咋搞得? +1
      • 老大说对了,他就随手拍了几张,角度不对好像,把我拍的矮胖,这次不是专业摄影师,等着我下次请专业人士拍哈。
        • It's a very simple tip (or trick). Doesn't have to be a professional. And it applies to many other situations as well.
        • 最后一张,明显从上往下照了
      • 是的,花儿照得角度可以改一下,你看以前那个摄影师就给你照得好
        • 以前那个摄影师是我花钱请的,这个是自己拍着玩的,不一样哦😛
      • 真会聊天,服气👍 +1
        • What? I am sincere. :) The same rule applies to many photos in 花鸟虫鱼 +1
    • 角度太不对头了,不是海海拍的吧。
      • 海哥我哪敢请啊,要跟海嫂打报告哒😛
        • 你海嫂很豁达滴。下次约了海哥,到我家后院来爽爽滴拍一拍。屋内多没劲哈。
          • 秋天吧 我是打算请海哥帮我拍些秋天的写真照,还没跟海嫂打报告呢😁 +1
            • 大镬
    • 你把闺密卖了还是闺密把你卖了
      • 没懂你啥意思??
    • 美极了👍
      • 谢谢~
    • 要是能看到正面就好了,这样不好给分
      • So demanding... 😄
      • 太过分了吧? 能这样发已经很不错啦 +1
        • 你们还能看到吗?我已经关了啊
          • 还能看到啊 +1
        • 我的意思是这样只能给90分,看到正面了才能给姑娘满分100啊。