学了点法律皮毛就想依法治家了, 陈光诚进牛大法律系了,明年他可以回中国依法治国了,悄悄问一句,陈先生当了政法委书记的话,这个国你敢回吗? -abc2011(abc2012); 11:35 (#7534577@0) reply more
您,没事儿吧?需要看医生么? -handaimigua(汉代蜜瓜); 13:24 (#7535253@0) reply more
看您就行了。 -abc2011(abc2012); 13:37 (#7535329@0) reply more
您这病有点复杂,俺看不了,建议进协和 -handaimigua(汉代蜜瓜); 13:46 (#7535365@0) reply more
俺说看看你就行了, 扯协和干嘛呀,第三者的不要。 -ab
sorry, that's what you saw she was attaked. I believe many people would think he/she was just replying her thread. at least, he/she did not use any attacking words towards her.
if you don't have proved knowledge in a professional field, then judging other people ignorance in this field is just to demonstrate your own ignorance because you don't have the qualification to judge.
you thought you were better than her would not make you really better, qualification must be both in fact and in appearance, that means, people must perceive you have that qualification to make judgement too. you can only achive that by possessing a license.
我有一个本地MASTER,其中的一门学的是婚姻法和企业法等等,我的CREDIT是A-.从移民到现在,我有3个专业证书,其中两个证书教材的1/3的章节专门是法律,好几种法律.工作中,经常涉及到法律问题,立马要GOOGLE去看法律原文.算不算" proved knowledge in a professional field".同学,我们这一行涉及面很广的,什么都要知道的.请问什么才能让你不质疑我的"qualification"?
many subjects require people learn accounting too, for example, economic, property management, etc,even in high school, there is option for students to learn accounting.
can they judge a company's financial statements are incorrect by knowing basic accounting? only an accountant can make that judgement.
for the same token, of course, a lawyer license would be the bottom line qualification to make legal judgement.
还真被你说对了,我还真修了不少ACCOUNTING的课,因为PART OF MYJOB,就是judge a company's financial statements are incorrect OR NOT.所以对你们的STATEMENT 要有俯视感啊.
to be fair, if there are no fees charged,one does not need to take the responsibility of providing professional opinion.
Birdie -- anybody can say. Smart people know how to take advices, the others need to educated. Doing so takes time, efforts and patience. Beauty or beast, let time be the tester. Donot look at short, look at long. Be strong, be patient.